rad-paradiso-volcano-bottoms-pink-teal rad-paradiso-volcano-bottoms-pink-teal rad-paradiso-volcano-bottoms-pink-teal

RAD Paradiso Volcana Bottoms - Floral Pink

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These bottoms are high-waisted, made from soft pink floral textile details at the bottom half and see-through mesh, in the same print, at the upper half. It is accompanied with pink lace details and two loops strap around the legs that resemble garters for the ultimate sexy look. 

Matched here with the 

  • Key Features: High-waisted | See Through Mesh | Lace Details |
  • Model Measurement: 80cm (31.4"") | 65cm (25.5"") | 94cm (37”) | Height: 1.65cm (5ft 4)
  • Model Wears : Size Small
  • Care Instruction: Hand wash cold with mild soap
  • Made in Europe